i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation - Berggasse 11/31, 1090, Wien, Austria
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 381951v
- Company Status
- Country
- Austria
- Registered Address
- Berggasse 11/31
- 1090
- Wien Berggasse 11/31, 1090, Wien AT
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
- Incorporated
- 2012
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- gelöscht
- Court
- Handelsgericht Wien
i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation Company Description
- i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation is a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung registered in Austria with the Company reg no FN 381951 v. Its current trading status is "closed". It was registered 2012. It can be contacted at Berggasse 11/31 .
Get i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation Register ReportAnnual AccountsArticles of AssociationCredit Report by KSV1870Credit Check by KSV1870
You are here: I-Bex Communications Gmbh In Liquidation - Berggasse 11/31, 1090, Wien, Austria
Announcements from the Firmenbuch
- 2015-09-08 Modification
- *. HG Wien (*), Löschung Bekannt gemacht am *. September * Firmenbuchnummer: *v Firmenbuchsache: i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation Berggasse */* * Wien Text: FIRMA gelöscht; Amtswegige Löschung Firma gelöscht gemäß § * FBG wegen Vermögenslosigkeit.; Gericht: HG Wien eingetragen am *.*.*
i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for i-bex communications gmbh in Liquidation as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Credit Report by KSV1870
Official credit data
Credit Check by KSV1870
Brief credit details
Official Filings
Company filings direct from the official registry.
keyboard_arrow_down 2012
2012-06-18 - Musterzeichnung
2012-06-18 - Beschluss d. Gesellschafter
2012-06-18 - Erklärung über die Errichtung der Gesellschaft